If you have not purchased 3G Unrestrictor yet, please tap here to go to the new version. This version is out of date.
Please click "Upgrade Now" below to go to the new version!
Please check out the upgrade! It has many new features and was completely rewritten to be faster, more reliable and better!
Enables WiFi-Only features such as large App Store downloads, HD-Quality YouTube videos, FaceTime, and more on 3G and LTE.
It allows those things by tricking applications into believing they are on WiFi, even though they are on 3G or LTE.
Enables on LTE/3G/EDGE:
For more information, explanations and screenshots, please visit www.3GUnrestrictor.com!
The following devices are supported: All jailbroken iPhones including 7 and 7 Plus. All cellular iPads including the Pro models.
It is fully compatible with iOS 4 to 10!
If you use this to bypass something your provider or anyone else forbids and you get caught, you cannot hold me responsible for that.
This is just a warning to protect myself.
3G Unrestrictor has been available for years and so far nobody had any problems with their provider.